Using tech to predict and address supply chain challenges — WHAT THE TRUCK?!?

FreightTech is a dominant force in the industry these days, with venture capital companies funneling money to companies to help support development of solutions to increase visibility, efficiency and overall freight movement. 

Dooner and The Dude talk to the leaders of two big FreightTech companies on this special episode of WHAT THE TRUCK?!? during the North American Logistics Tech Summit. They welcome Xeneta co-founder and CEO Patrik Berglund and project44 Chief Product Officer Vernon O’Donnell to the show. 

O’Donnell explains how coming out of the pandemic has changed real-time customer expectations around freight visibility and how data p44 is making a stronger customer experience.

Berglund focuses specifically on ongoing COVID-19 challenges across ports in Asia, including how long it will take to clear backlogs at the Port of Yantian. He also dives into the ever-growing maritime shipping rates, how high rates will translate to commodities for consumers and what to expect going into the second half of 2021. 

You can find more WHAT THE TRUCK?!? episodes and recaps for all our live podcasts here.