Update on Section 301 Deadlines and Timelines

Members have been inquiring regarding actions that may be taken regarding the current U.S. Tariff Actions. Below are the remaining Deadlines and timelines.

China 301 (List 1 – ): October 9, 2018
Deadline for product-specific requests for exclusion
– For covered products, please click here for the Federal Register Notice.

With regard to the rationale for the requested exclusion, each request for exclusion should address the following factors:
• Whether the particular product is available only from China. In addressing this factor, requestors should address specifically whether the particular product and/or a comparable product is available from sources in the United States and/or in third countries.
• Whether the imposition of additional duties on the particular product would cause severe economic harm to the requestor or other U.S. interests.
• Whether the particular product is strategically important or related to “Made in China 2025” or other Chinese industrial programs.
Requestors may also provide any other information or data that they consider relevant to an evaluation of the request.

It addition, responses to requests for product-specific exclusion must be filed within 14 days after a request for exclusion is posted on docket.
And replies to responses filed during the 14-day response period must be filed within 7 days after the close of response period.

China 301 (List 3): September 6, 2018
(1) Due date for submission of written comments. (extended deadline – previously August 17, 2018)
(2) Deadline for submission of post-hearing rebuttal comments (extended deadline – previously August 30, 2018)
– For covered products, please click here for the Federal Register Notice.

No date has been set for the effective date of the 10% or 25% duty effective on List 3 products.

In addition, there is no opportunity to file an exclusion request for products on List 3; the USTR’s office has advised that as of this writing there is no indication that the opportunity will be provided.