Texas governor waives key trucking regulations to speed up supply deliveries

Texas Governor Greg Abbott recently waived several commercial trucking regulations to boost supply chains as part of the state’s response to the coronavirus pandemic.

Abbott said the measures were aimed at keeping trucks moving to deliver supplies to grocery stores and keeping shelves stocked in Texas.

“By waiving these regulations, we are streamlining the process to replenish the shelves in grocery stores across the state,” Abbott said in a statement. “We are all in this together, and I want to remind all Texans that hoarding resources is neither necessary nor productive. Texas has the supplies to meet the needs of Texans, and we will continue to expedite the flow of groceries to stores across the state.”

Abbott waived state laws prohibiting alcohol industry trucks from delivering supplies to grocery stores, his office announced on March 15. 

Abbott also waived oversize and overweight restrictions on commercial trucks on March 14, and suspended the need to register under the International Registration Plan or to obtain 72-hour and 144-hour temporary registration permits, as long as the truck is registered in one of the states of the U.S.

The Texas Department of Motor Vehicles requested and will coordinate the waivers.

Abbott’s decision to alleviate commercial trucking regulations follow the state of disaster declaration he issued on Friday, March 13.

As concerns for the coronavirus continue to escalate, people are flocking to grocery stores in Texas and across the country to buy toilet paper, cleaning supplies and bottled water.