News Alert – China Factory Shutdowns tied to G20 Summit

On September 4-5 , 2016 world leaders will come together in Hangzhou China to attend the G20 Summit.  This week Chinese authorities have announced that they will mandate the closure  of as many as 600 Shanghai area textile factories starting in August to prepare for the G20 Summit.

The Closure of these factories is being planned to reduce the chronic pollution in the region ahead of the G20 Summit. According to the China Institute of Public and Environmental Affairs, Zhejiang province of which Hangzhou is the capital contains almost fifty percent of the country’s textile dyeing facilities.  It is also anticipated that other industries and factories in the areas will face similar closures.

We will continue to work with our carrier partners to gauge the impact to their services and encourage members to discuss these closures and their effect on your supply chains with your factories and origin providers.  We will continue to deliver updates on the situation, as we learn more.