Kuebix offers Convoy dynamic pricing to shipping customers

Kuebix integrates Convoy pricing

Kuebix has opened the door to more capacity options for its shipping partners with a new integration with Convoy. Kuebix will now offer Convoy’s dynamic pricing within its Community Load Match on its transportation management system (TMS).

“Our fast-growing shipping community relies on Kuebix to efficiently find carriers, compare rates and manage their transportation operations,” said Mike Sofer, vice president of business development at Kuebix. “By integrating Convoy’s dynamic pricing into Kuebix Community Load Match, we are providing our shippers more opportunities to easily find and book truckload capacity.”

Kuebix users can take advantage of Convoy’s automated real-time pricing algorithms and easily book backup and spot capacity with the integration.

“Dynamic pricing is the best solution for managing a flexible supply chain,” said Brooks McMahon, vice president of partnerships at Convoy. “We have seen a 500% increase in usage in Convoy’s pricing APIs over the past few months and are excited to make these capabilities available to all shippers in Kuebix.”

Convoy introduced dynamic pricing in 2018 as a way for shippers to deal with unfamiliar carriers and higher spot prices common during times of tight capacity. Users of Community Load Match will see a Convoy rate that can be booked and matched within the Kuebix TMS.

Convoy guarantees the market rate that is presented.

Kuebix has been focused primarily on shippers with a cloud-based infrastructure that brings carriers and intermediaries into the platform.

“Imagine a world where you’re a shipper and you’re online and you can access visibility to an asset in real time,” Dan Clark, Kuebix’s founder and CEO, told FreightWaves earlier this year. “I know exactly where it is, I know its availability. I know where it is going and where it needs to be. That creates efficiency for shippers, but the efficiency gains for the carrier are phenomenal.”

Kuebix was acquired by Trimble (NASDAQ: TRMB) earlier this year.

Convoy has been on an integration spree, announcing integrations with 12 TMS providers in August. The partnerships with Blue Yonder (previously JDA), FreightPOP, Recon Logistics, Shipwell and SwanLeap, announced in August, brought to 12 the total number of TMS integrations available at that time. Previous integrations were with BluJay Solutions, MercuryGate, Oracle TMS, One Network, Emerge, Teknowlogi and Logistically.

“These partnerships are important because they enable our TMS and related platform partners to offer Convoy’s automated real-time prices with guaranteed capacity to our mutual customers,” a Convoy spokesperson told FreightWaves. “In partnering with a broad array of TMS leaders, we offer shippers increased freedom to tap into these benefits and automatically book within their TMS platform of choice. This saves time and money and provides shippers with a better, more seamless experience.”

Kuebix is offering shippers 60 free days of its Kuebix Business Pro TMS, which allows logistics teams to collaborate remotely across multiple locations, source contract and spot rates, and leverage actionable reports and analytics for improved strategic shipping decisions.

Click for more FreightWaves articles by Brian Straight.

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