Join Us for September 21-22 TPP Washington, DC Fly-In


FASA/Gemini will join the TPP Apparel Coalition to descend on Washington, DC September 21-22 to advocate for Congressional approval of the Trans-Pacific Partnership (TPP) free trade agreement. Please complete the  fly-in registration form and return to FASA’s Nate Herman as soon as possible, but no later than August 26, 2016. Your participation is urgently needed to make sure Congress hears from our industry on why this agreement needs to be approved this year and how our industry – and its workers and customers – can benefit. The opponents of TPP and the opponents of trade are out in force, and are making their voices known. If they succeed, TPP won’t be considered for the foreseeable future. Members of Congress need to hear from you before they make a decision on the TPP bill, expected to be considered later this year. This will be the last opportunity to meet with members of Congress in Washington before they leave for the November elections. If approved, TPP will allow immediate duty-free access to the U.S. for fashion accessories from Vietnam, and the 10 other TPP member countries, under easy-to-use rules. This is our last and best chance – please join us!


TPP Back to School Letter Dear MoC