ILA – Stop Work on Hanjin Ships and Containers




This morning we have learned that the International Longshoremen’s Association has decided to cease working on Hanjin ships and moving Hanjin cargo on the U.S East Coast ports.

It is our understanding the ILA policy is as follows:

  • They will not work Hanjin vessels until the matter is resolved.
  • They will work non-Hanjin vessels as normal including discharging Hanjin cargo to place of rest on the dock.
  • They will not deliver Hanjin cargo currently on terminal.

We understand that Hanjin has asked for this funding and that an answer is not expected till early next week.  We will continue to investigate this with terminal operators and port authorities to learn more on the ILA actions and their effect on cargo.

Best Regards
Gemini Shippers Association