Governmental Notices September 10th – September 16th, 2016

The following updates and governmental notices may be of interest to our members and the trade.  Among the items in this issue are CBP’s “ACE Protest Frequently Asked Questions” and links to:
APHIS’ Treatment Evaluation Document regarding the Cold Treatment of Grapefruit from Australia;
CPSC’s Comment Request about Third Party Conformity Assessment Body Registration Form;

CBP’s Proposed Rule advising of the Modernization of the Customs Brokers Examination, Notice of Commercial Gauger and Laboratory Accreditations and Approvals and a Comment Request, as well as the current Bulletin with an additional Comment Request and latest ABI messages;

CPSC and FDA Recalls and Consumer Updates;

FTC’s Rules regarding the Disclosure of Written Consumer Product Warranty Terms and Conditions and the Energy Labeling Rule, as well as the Proposed Rule concerning the Disposal of

Consumer Report Information and Records;

FTZ Board current notices;

ITA and ITC Notices of Antidumping or Countervailing Duty Investigations, Orders, or Reviews, as well as updates on Investigations and Complaints, on items such as Large Residential Washers from Mexico and Korea;

Presidential Proclamation Restoring preferential treatment for Burma and Executive Order regarding the Cote d’Ivoire and Termination of the Emergency situation;

California’s latest Proposition 65 60 Day Notices on items such as, but not limited to Ladies Gardening Gloves and Charcoal grills and hibachis; and,

Canada’s latest Antidumping and Consumer Alert & Recall notices.


Please contact the Gemini Team for more information on any of these items