Governmental Notices for July 29 through August 4, 2017

The following governmental notices may be of interest to our members and the trade, including links to:

CBP’s Notices of Comment Requests and the upcoming COAC Meeting; the current Customs Bulletin with the Customs Decision concerning the Extension of Import Restrictions Imposed on Archaeological Objects and Ecclesiastical and Ritual Ethnological Materials from Cyprus and Notices of Final and Proposed Ruling Revocations and Modifications on issues such as the Classification of a Document Holder or Multi-Function Folder with a Memoradum Pad, of Sleep Sacks and of Imitation Wicker Chairs with Metal Frames, in addition to general importing issues such as Foreign Trade Zone Annual Reconciliation Certification and Record Keeping Requirement,  as well as, the latest ABI messages;

CPSC and FDA Recalls and Consumer Updates;

OFAC’s notice of the Blocking of Persons and Properties;

ITA and ITC monthly announcements of Sunset Reviews, the Opportunity To Request an Administrative Review and the Initiation of Administrative & Sunset Reviews, in addition to Notices of Antidumping or Countervailing Duty Investigations, Orders or Reviews, as well as updates on Determinations, Investigations and Complaints on merchandise such as Wooden Bedroom Furniture, from the People’s Republic of China and Certain Flash Memory Devices and Components Thereof;

USTR’s Notices on matters such as the Allocation of Additional Tariff-Rate Quota Volume for Raw Cane Sugar and Hearings: China’s Compliance with WTO Commitments and a Trade Policy Staff Committee Meeting;

California’s latest 60 Day Notices on items such as, but not limited to, port adapters, Gloves with Vinyl/PVC Components and Cases with Vinyl/PVC Handles; and,

Canada’s latest Consumer Alert & Recall notices.

Members wishing to learn more about any of these items are encouraged to review details on the Gemini Member Site, or to contact the Gemini team.