Governmental Notices January 7th to January 13th, 2017

The following governmental notices that may be of interest to our members and the trade.  Some of the items noted this week include.

CPSC’s Correction to its Rule regarding the Administration & Enforcement of Hazardous Substances & Articles;

CBP’s Notice of Correction and Clarification concerning its Post–Summary Corrections and Periodic Monthly Statements of the National Customs Automation Program Tests, its  latest two Bulletins containing Decisions such as Revisions to the Toxic Substance Control Act Chemical Substance Import Certification Process and the Importations of Certain Vehicles and Engines Subject to Federal Antipollution Emission Standards, as well as General Notices concerning the Accreditation and Approval of Commercial Gauger and Laboratory offices and current ABI messages, including advising of the Suspension of FWS ACE Pilot and Publication of the TTB Final Rule;

CPSC and FDA Recalls and Consumer Updates;

OFAC’s latest Notices regarding the Blocking and Unblocking of Persons and Properties;

FTZ Board current notices;

ITA and ITC Notices of the Request For Comments On Petitions Seeking Duty Suspensions / Reductions under the miscellaneous trade bill, the Revisions to User Fees for Export and Investment Promotion Services/Events, Antidumping or Countervailing Duty Investigations, Orders, or Reviews, including the Initiation of Administrative Reviews of Various Antidumping and Countervailing Duty Orders and Findings with November anniversary dates and the Opportunity to Request Administrative Reviews, as well as updates on Determinations, Investigations and Complaints on merchandise such as Cameras and Software for Use Therewith and Multilayered Wood Flooring from the People’s Republic of China;

California’s latest 60 Day Notices on items such as, but not limited to, Bath Mats, hardware cloth  and tape measures; and,

Canada’s latest Consumer Alert & Recall notices.

For more information on any of these topics please contact your Gemini team representative