Governmental Notices for February 24 through March 2, 2018

In addition to a [CNN] link to President Trump’s announcement threatening to impose a 25 percent duty on all foreign steel and a 10 percent duty on imported aluminum, the following governmental notices may be of interest to our members and the trade, including links to:

CPSC’s Rules updating the All-Terrain Vehicles’ standard ANSI/SVIA 1-2007 and implementing Corrections to the Hazardous Substances and Articles:  Animal Testing Regulations and its Notices of: a Complaint about Britax Child Safety, Inc., as well as that of an upcoming Public Hearing about its Agendas for the next two fiscal years;

CBP’s Rule regarding Import Restrictions Imposed on Certain Archaeological Material from Belize, its Notices of Country of Origin Determinations addressing Aluminum Honeycomb Panels, Certain Ethernet Gateway Products, Hub and Mobile Platforms, AMC Home Tele-Health System     and Commercial Gaugers and Laboratories Accreditations and Approvals, as well as current ABI messages;

CPSC and FDA Recalls and Consumer Updates;

OFAC’s Notices of the Blocking of Persons and Properties;

FTZ Board current notices;

ITA and ITC’s Notices of the Antidumping or Countervailing Duty Investigations, Orders or Reviews, as well as updates on Determinations, Investigations and Complaints on merchandise such as Rubber Bands from Thailand, the People’s Republic of China, and Sri Lanka  and Certain Mobile Device Holders and Components Thereof;

USTR’s Notice of Requests for Nominations: Intergovernmental Policy Advisory Committee on Trade;

California’s latest 60 Day Notices on items such as, but not limited to, various Sandals, Flip Flops and certain Reading Glasses with Polymer Nose Pieces; and,

Canada’s latest Antidumping and Consumer Alert & Recall notices.     

Members wishing to learn more about any of these items are encouraged to review details on the Gemini Member Site, or to contact the Gemini team.