Governmental Notices for December 30, 2017 through January 5, 2018

The following governmental notices may be of interest to our members and the trade, including links to:

CBP’s latest ABI messages, including notices of various Port Closures;

CPSC and FDA Recalls and Consumer Updates;

FTZ Board current notices;

 ITA and ITC’s Monthly announcements advising of the Initiation of Five-Year Sunset Reviews and Opportunity to Request an Administrative Review in addition to Notices of the Antidumping or Countervailing Duty Investigations, Orders or Reviews, as well as updates on Determinations, Investigations and Complaints on merchandise such as Multilayered Wood Flooring From the People’s Republic of China and Plastic Decorative Ribbon From China;

California’s latest 60 Day Notices on items such as, but not limited to, Thermal Paper, Sandals and certain Outdoor Patio Cord; and,

Canada’s latest Consumer Alert & Recall notices.         


Members wishing to learn more about any of these items are encouraged toreview details on the Gemini Member Site, or to contact the Gemini team.