Gemini Shippers Group Supports the Trans-Pacific Partnership Agreement

January 7, 2016 – Gemini Shippers Group today announced its support for the ratification for the Trans-Pacific Partnership (TPP) Free Trade Agreement.

The TPP agreement, if ratified, represents the most significant trade agreement proposed since NAFTA came into effect in 1994. The agreement brings together 12 countries with strong trading ties to the U.S. market. Combined, the Trans-Pacific Partnership (TPP) countries of Australia, Brunei, Canada, Chile, Japan, Malaysia, Mexico, New Zealand, Peru, Singapore, United States, and Vietnam represent 40% of global economic output and 800 million consumers. The TPP will create the world’s largest free trade zone representing 28.5 trillion dollars in combined GDP.

TPP is a comprehensive agreement which gives American businesses and consumers the benefit of a trade agreement crafted for the 21st century.

“Our members, who import fashion accessories and a variety of other products, will benefit from the agreement’s flexible rules of origin and immediate duty-free access,” stated Sara Mayes, Gemini’s President / CEO. “These provisions recognize the multi-country nature of modern companies’ global supply chains.”

The TPP agreement also addresses strong protection of American intellectual property (IP). Robust IP protection and enforcement provisions play a vital role for our members, and the U.S. economy, by driving economic growth, jobs, and competitiveness while protecting American innovation. The agreement will also facilitate improved trading conditions by enacting reforms to customs and border procedures, making them more efficient for our members. And finally, the TPP agreement also benefits our members by improving U.S. companies’ access to the Asia-Pacific region. The removal of trade barriers to U.S. exports, as well as the streamlining of non-tariff and regulatory barriers, will reverse the declining market share that U.S. goods represent in this fast growing market.

“The Trans-Pacific Partnership (TPP) Free Trade Agreement is a significant agreement,” concluded Mayes. “The TPP will benefit our members, their customers, and the entire U.S. economy. Gemini Shippers Group urges Congress to review and approve this critical agreement as soon as possible.” 

Gemini Shippers Group, one of the largest shippers associations in the United States, has been serving its members for nearly 100 years.  The group includes Gemini Shippers Association and the Fashion Accessories Shippers Association (FASA).  Gemini offers member companies access to competitive global ocean freight contracts, long term rates and space allocations by signing global contracts with a wide variety of top tier ocean carriers. For more information on Gemini Shippers Group please contact us or (212) 947-3424  or visit our website at