FreightCasts Weekly Recap (2/3-2/9)

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  • Great Quarter, Guys” — Will Tesla reach $1 trillion in sales?
    • With Tesla stock up 125% year-to-date, we discuss whether Tesla is a car company and what the future will probably look like for Elon Musk’s most valuable business. We also talk about the 2020 freight market outlook and whether the FANG stocks will outperform the market this year.
  • What The Truck?!?” — Could AB5 going nationwide spell doom for trucking?
    • Dooner and Chad talk about AB5 possibly going nationwide, truckers fighting cap and trade and a bill to fund truck parking hitting Congress. On another edition of “Mad Gaines,” transportation attorney Cassandra Gaines rants about noncompetes. CNBC Business News’ Lori Ann LaRocco discusses the coronavirus’ impact on freight.
    • Kevin Hill tells us where the DHL Supply Chain Pricing Power Index landed this week. And there’s a recap of FreightWaves’ newest show: “Put That Coffee Down” — the freight sales podcast for closers. JP returns for the 150th broadcast to celebrate Passport. Then there’s your ticket to FreightWaves: LIVE events and market research. 
  • What The Truck?!?” — Bridge strikes, oil tanks, 21-day water fasts and the coronavirus spread
    • Dooner and Chad nurse Super Bowl-induced hangovers with news about Connecticut’s controversial truck tolling plan, a $7.4 million bridge strike verdict and Chinese New Year shutdowns extended by the coronavirus. Craig Fuller fills us in on why the oil market may be tanking. Chad Boblett, purveyor of Rate Per Mile Masters, talks trucker health. We also find out how he’s doing after his just completed 21-day water fast. J.B. Hunt’s Jose Socorro dials in to talk about personal branding and the art of public speaking. “Big Deal Little Deals” looks at the coronavirus taking a bite out of Apple, as well as IKEA, Trader Joe’s, avocados and so much more.
  • Put That Coffee Down” — The leads are weak
    • The first episode is all about lead generation.
    • “Put That Coffee Down” is a freight sales show for closers during which Dooner, Hill and top sales leaders discuss all things sales. We also hear from you in our first survey on how your company manages lead generation.
    • Watch the live show at 1 p.m. EST Wednesdays on FreightWavesTV and FreightWaves YouTube, Facebook and LinkedIn social channels.
  • “Drilling Deep” — Why diesel prices haven’t felt the IMO 2020 impact and a bearish outlook on freight rates
    • The price of diesel was supposed to rise because of IMO 2020. It hasn’t. What happened?
    • Join “Drilling Deep” host John Kingston as he talks about why the price impact from IMO 2020 in the diesel market has nowhere near played itself out yet and why the consumers of diesel still need to watch for those movements. Noted freight economist Noel Perry of Transport Futures also provides his decidedly bearish take on trucking markets.
  • “Freightonomics” — The Trailer Talk
    • Anthony and Zach, along with special guest Donny Gilbert, take a deeper dive into the freight market trailer pool and discuss the types of freight they haul, their characteristics and their place in the broader market. Additional topics include another California regulation, the coronavirus and the surprising jump in the PMI.
  • “FreightWaves Insiders” — Cyber threats strike supply chain with Roanoke Insurance Group’s Glenn Patton
    • Roanoke Insurance Group’s Glenn Patton knows that hackers and ransomware attackers are targeting more supply chains than ever. Find out how to get protected.
    • From rock bands to heavy metal machines, the goods in your supply chain take a journey of exposure. Learn how to mitigate both the legal and financial risks via insurance.
  • “Fuller Speed Ahead” — Fixing inefficient markets with J.B. Hunt’s Shelley Simpson
    • FreightWaves CEO Craig Fuller chats with Shelley Simpson, chief commercial Officer of J.B. Hunt.
  • “FreightWaves LIVE” — Innovate or Die with Covenant Transport Services’ Matt McLelland from #FWLive Chicago
    • FreightWaves EVP of Content Emily Szink speaks with Matt McLelland, innovation strategist at Covenant Transport Services, about the urgent need for trucking companies to embrace innovation.