Freight Futures daily curve: 5/18

Freight Futures data to watch today: Weekly spot month futures price changes

Trucking Freight Futures ended the week on a down note across the board Friday as uncertainty in the market continues to weigh. Friday’s downturn mostly wiped out a recovery in the futures markets week-over-week. The spot National contract (FUT.VNU202005) ended lower by 0.51% on Friday, negating an otherwise positive week and causing the average to end fractionally lower at $1.359 per mile. The East regional contract (FUT.VEU202005) dropped 0.8% on Friday and settled 0.43% lower at $1.404 for the week. The West regional contract (FUT.VWU202005) rose a fraction to $1.470 while the South regional contract (FUT.VSU202005) finished the week unchanged at $1.203.

In the East, the three individual lanes all finished lower week-over-week, led by a $0.011 drop, or 0.6%, in the ATL to PHL contract (FUT.VAP202005) to $1.845. In the West, a $0.014 (0.7%) rise in the LAX to SEA contract (FUT.VLS202005) to $2.124 was partially offset by a 1.1% drop in the SEA to LAX contract (FUT.VSL202005) to $0.817. It was a similar case in the South, where the LAX to DAL contract (FUT.VLD202005) gained $0.015 (1.13%) to $1.347 and the DAL to LAX contract fell $0.015 (1.4%) to $1.059.

FreightWaves SONAR: Tree Map Watchlist

SONAR Tickers: Tree Map Watchlist – Weekly spot month futures price changes