Freight Futures daily curve: 2/20

Freight Futures market to watch today: East Region

A feeling of stability returned to the Trucking Freight Futures markets on Wednesday. While the overall market was unchanged to mixed, any movement in price was minimal. The spot National contract (FUT.VNU202002) ended the day unchanged at $1.393/mile while the East regional contract (FUT.VEU202002) inched up slightly to $1.559. With all of the recent unrest in the futures market, the East region has braved the headwinds for the most part as the overall fundamentals remain intact. Both the West regional (FUT.VWU202002) and South regional (FUT.VSU202002) contracts slipped fractionally to $1.433 and $1.188, respectively.

Pushing the East region up a fraction was the ATL to PHL contract (FUT.VAP202002) which rose by 0.2% to end the day at $1.661. The CHI to ATL contract (FUT.VCA202002) stood pat at $1.911 as did the PHL to CHI contract (FUT.VPC202002), which closed at $1.105. In the West, the SEA to LAX contract (FUT.VSL202002) fell by a fraction to $0.917 and the LAX to SEA contract (FUT.VLS202002) held steady at $1.950. The story was the same in the South with the LAX to DAL contract (FUT.VLD202002) fractionally off to $1.316 while the DAL to LAX contract (FUT.VDL202002) ended the day where it began, at $1.060. 

FreightWaves SONAR: Chart

SONAR Tickers: FUT.VEU202002, FUT.VCA202002, FUT.VAP202002, FUT.VPC202002