Freight Futures contracts to watch today: National and Regional Spot Contracts
It was a very quiet day for Trucking Freight Futures with little news or fundamental changes to stoke the market on Wednesday. The spot National contract (FUT.VNU202002) ended the day unchanged at $1.411/mile. Also finishing unchanged for the session were the East regional (FUT.VEU202002) and South regional (FUT.VSU202002) contracts, which closed at $1.579 and $1.199, respectively. The West regional contract (FUT.VWU202002) closed lower by a fraction to $1.455. Since the beginning of the month, spot month rates have been stuck in a flat to slightly lower rut.
The individual lane contracts ended Wednesday’s session with one contract higher, one contract lower and five contracts unchanged. Creeping into positive territory by a fraction was the LAX to DAL contract (FUT.VLD202002) in the South, which settled at $1.327. The DAL to LAX contract (FUT.VDL202002) ended the day where it began at $1.072. In the West, the SEA to LAX contract (FUT.VSL202002) inched lower to $0.932 while the LAX to SEA contract (FUT.VLS202002) held firm at $1.978. In the East, all three lane contracts finished the session unchanged. The CHI to ATL contract (FUT.VCA202002) held steady at $1.947, the ATL to PHL contract (FUT.VAP202002) remained at $1.665 and the PHL to CHI contract (FUT.VPC202002) stood pat at 1.125.

SONAR Tickers: FUT.VNU202002, FUT.VEU202002, FUT.VWU202002, FUT.VSU202002