Drilling Deep: StayMetrics data digs into driver retention during pandemic

Tim Hindes is the CEO of StayMetrics, a company that offers data and recommendations to trucking companies on retaining drivers.

But StayMetrics also has shared insightful data with the industry on the level of retention and his firm has a new data series, the Stay Days table. Coming several months into the COVID-19 pandemic, it’s a fascinating look at whether drivers stuck around through the heavy demand period of March, the weakness of April and the strong rebound since. Hindes joins Drilling Deep host John Kingston on this week’s show to talk about it.

Hindes also discusses his views on the issue of race and the trucking sector.

We’ll also take our weekly look at oil and diesel prices, where all the arrows are pointing down right now. And they’re doing so even as freight rates are pointing up, a nice combination for drivers.

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