Customs and Trade

Governmental Notices March 26 – April 1 2016

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Attached is an update of governmental notices that may be of interest to our members and the trade among the items in this issue are links to:

  APHIS’ Updated Manuals

CBP’s Rules making technical Correction to federal regulations, such as substituting “CBP” for Customs, Notices advising of the end of the FDA pilot program, Tariff-Rate Quota for Calendar Year 2016, a revision to COAC and a Comment Request; the current Bulletin announcing Decision No. 16-05 concerning the Extension of Import Restrictions Imposed on Certain Archaeological and Ethnological Materials From the Republic of Colombia and Notices concerning the Waiver of Passport and Visa Requirements Due to an Unforeseen Emergency, Accreditations and Approvals of a Commercial Gauger and Laboratories and Comment Requests, in addition to ABI messages;

CPSC’s Rule regarding the Safety Standard for Portable Hook-On Chairs and Notice of a Settlement Agreement;

CPSC and FDA Recalls and Consumer Updates;

FTC’s Comment Request;

OFAC’s Rule concerning Highly Enriched Uranium Agreement Assets Control Regulations;

FTZ Board current notice;

ITA and ITC monthly announcements such as the Opportunity to Request Administrative Review, in addition to Notices of Antidumping or Countervailing Duty Investigations, Orders, or Reviews on products such as Aluminum Extrusions from China, as well as updates on various Investigations and new Determinations and a request for comments;

Presidential Administrative Orders on Cyber-enabled Malicious Activities, Delegation of Authority for the Hizballah International Financing Prevention Act of 2015 and Continuation of the National Emergency regarding the South Sudan;

USTR’s Request for Public Comments on the Review of Trade Preferences for Nepal;

California’s latest Proposition 65 60 Day Notices on items such as, but not limited to, Chocolate, Padlocks and Sunscreen; and,

Canada’s latest Alerts and Recall notices.

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