Stevedore Processing Fee for Release of Hanjin Import Containers from the Garden City Container Terminal at the Port of Savannah, Georgia


September 12, 2016

RE: Stevedore Processing Fee for Release of Hanjin Import Containers from
the Garden City Container Terminal at the Port of Savannah, Georgia

Please be advised that effective immediately, Gateway Terminals, LLC will enforce
a $170 stevedore processing fee for the release of all imported Hanjin Containers.

Port customers will be contacted by one of the following stevedores associated with
the handling of their respective container: Ceres Marine Terminals, Ports America,
or SSA Cooper.

The stevedore processing fee will be invoiced by and should be paid directly to the
stevedore associated with each container. Upon receipt of payment, the stevedore
will advise Gateway to release the corresponding container to its respective consignee.

This stevedore processing fee is necessary to insure that all stevedore and longshore
fees associated with the handling of Hanjin imports are paid in a timely fashion. Once
all Hanjin imports have been processed or Hanjin begins to directly pay for these
services, the fee will be suspended.

Please see contact information for stevedores below:
Ceres Marine Terminals:

Terry Collins
Phone – (912) 629-9807

Brad Ziegler
Phone – (912) 629-9808

SSA Cooper

Elaine Alexander
Phone – (912) 652-0533

Ports America

Debora Tillman – Primary Contact
Phone – (912) 644-6126

Diane Johnson – Secondary Contact
Phone – (912) 644-6116

Thank you for your kind attention to this matter.