Less-than-truckload carrier Yellow Corp., like other LTLs, reports a weather-related falloff in February trends. However, industrial data continues to suggest this LTL freight recovery has legs.
Category Archives: Public News
The only certain thing about the market is that it changes. Regardless of the state of the market, however, there are certainties and uncertainties that must be acknowledged.
The intermodal contract saving indices (IMCSI) show the percent savings of shipping via intermodal versus dry van truckload contract rates. To ensure comparability across modes, the calculation only compares truckload and intermodal rates in identical origin-destination pairs. The IMCSI tickers are an aggregation of individual lanes. On “This week in SONAR,” Craig Fuller, FreightWaves CEO, …
Brian Laung Aoaeh of REFASHIOND Ventures discusses the opportunities for venture capital seeking to find the next big thing in supply chain technology in a fireside chat at FreightWaves’ Global Supply Chain Week.
On this episode of WHAT THE TRUCK?!? for FreightWaves’ Global Supply Chain Week, Dooner and The Dude talk to ocean shipping experts about the steps to manage risky situations.
Tripp and Detour continue their over-the-road adventures with a load of hot dogs, traveling through New York City boroughs to the Little League World series in Williamsport, Pennsylvania.
Nova Scotia-based Seaboard Transport will acquire fellow trucking company Armour.
Nova Scotia-based Seaboard Transport will acquire fellow trucking company Armour.
This labor economy has historically dealt with an information deficit, which forces companies to overhire in order to find the correct employee for the job.
Torc Robotics gets millions of gigabytes of data in testing self-driving trucks for Daimler AG. Now it wants Amazon Web Services to make faster sense of it.