Category Archives: Gemini News

Los Angeles and Long Beach operational Challenges – Gemini is here for members

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Gemini Shippers Group continues to advocate for our members to improve operating conditions for importers and exporters in North America. Yesterday, our group working with the Harbor Trucking Association addressed the continued operational challenges impacting the port’s of Los Angeles, Long Beach competitiveness. As many of your know, we continue to see challenges with; chassis shortages, trucker shortages, terminal congestion and appointment system inefficiency. Our letter, directed to the port directors and their boards, urges the use of all of their available powers to ensure that port’s competitiveness and to reduce the cost of doing business when using the Ports of Los Angeles and Long Beach. A copy of the letter can be found here:  Coalition Letter. The association will continue to work with port authorities, terminal operators and stakeholders to drive positive change in our industry.

Best Regards
Gemini Shippers Group

Commissioner Dye Completes Work in NY & NJ, Turns Attention to New Orleans

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Commissioner Dye Completes Work in NY & NJ, Turns Attention to New Orleans
August 4, 2020

Operations and cargo flow at the Port of New York and New Jersey have been minimally impacted by COVID-19 and the leadership at the bi-state organization has prioritized improving the container return process to further increase efficiencies and better serve shippers and truckers.

Those are the two central observations highlighted by Commissioner Rebecca F. Dye in Phase Two of her review under Fact Finding 29, an investigation of COVID-19 impacts on liner shipping supply chains in U.S. trades.

Interviews with users of the port, as well as the findings of Innovation Teams assembled for Phase Two, revealed that despite being situated in an early COVID-19 hotspot, Port Authority leadership responded effectively to challenges that arose. Port users report that as a result of this effort facilities in the two states are working well. Especially helpful was the early and active intervention of port leadership with the local and state governments. Also cited was the effectiveness of stakeholder cooperation under the Council for Port Performance (CPP).

Commissioner Dye began her Phase Two review by assessing which of the four operational challenges identified during the Phase One examination of the Southern California ports were applicable to the situation in New York and New Jersey. The only common challenge was the need to make progress in returning chassis in a manner that facilitates a “double move”. Senior port executives advised that achieving that goal is a high priority and the CPP is working to improve the process.

“During Phase One, our team members raised concerns about specific operations at Los Angeles and Long Beach. They identified container returns, terminal closure notification, blanked sailings, and communication of Earliest Return Date for export containers as areas for improvement. After many interviews and careful review of circumstances, it was clear that operations at the Port of New York and New Jersey were in good shape. However, our team members did encourage greater ocean carrier participation in port performance discussions as a step toward achieving better drayage outcomes,” commented Commissioner Dye.

While Fact Finding 29 will next examine the Port of New Orleans, Commissioner Dye continues to focus on progress made to adopt the operational changes Phase One Innovation teams identified as necessary to improve performance of the Southern California ports and terminals.

“We believe trade volumes are likely to substantially increase going forward and the Southern California ports remain the key gateway for the Nation’s international commerce. The ports, their terminal tenants, and the ocean carriers that use those facilities must embrace changes that improve efficiencies and operations and act now to implement them,” said Commissioner Dye.

Federal Maritime Commision – Covid-19 Supply Chain Investigation Shifts Focus to NY/NJ in Phase Two

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Gemini Shippers Group will be part of the Federal Maritime Communion discussion of COVID-19 related impacts to the supply chain. You can learn about next phase of fact finding 29 below:


Commissioner Rebecca Dye’s Fact Finding investigation of COVID-19 related impacts to the supply chain (Fact Finding 29) is entering Phase Two with a concentration on issues related to operations at the Port Authority of New York & New Jersey (PANYNJ) and surrounding facilities. She is also announcing plans for an online seminar addressing key topics of interest to the industry.

Three teams consisting of truckers, terminal operators, shippers, intermediaries, and other parties critical to the movement of intermodal ocean cargoes through the PANYNJ facilities will support Phase Two of the investigation. These teams will study what operational adjustments will prepare the bi-state port complex for dealing with increasing cargo volumes in the future. Successes will be captured and analyzed for their applicability at other ports. Additionally, as in Phase One in Southern California, Phase Two Supply Chain Innovation Teams are tasked with identifying any operational challenges to efficient port and supply chain operations and then proposing an industry-driven solution for improving matters.

“I heard from many parties that Fact Finding 29 should take a regional approach in its examination of COVID-19 related impacts to the supply chain. Given its prominence as an East Coast gateway, the Port Authority of New York and New Jersey is the logical focus for Phase Two of my investigation. As with Los Angeles, we will be examining how the Port Authority of New York and New Jersey is both adjusting operations in response to the pandemic and laying the groundwork for handling higher cargo volumes in the future,” said Commissioner Dye.

As part of Fact Finding 29, Commissioner Dye will hold an online seminar where she will provide a briefing on service contracts and related vessel capacity and cargo forecasting issues. Details regarding the specifics of the event will be announced at a later date.

Concurrently, Commissioner Dye continues to engage key industry leaders in Southern California about progress they have made in implementing four approaches that can immediately address critical operational issues at the Ports of Los Angeles and Long Beach. These objectives were identified by Supply Chain Innovation Teams created for Phase One of Fact Finding 29.

“A key to improving supply chain efficiencies is overcoming the lack of ‘ownership’ for the most serious operational issues. Everyone wants to see meaningful operational changes at our Southern California port gateway, but solutions will require serious engagement between ocean carriers and marine terminal operators. Toward that goal, we have directly involved the most senior U.S.-based executives of ocean carriers belonging to the three alliances and expressed the expectation they work with their terminal partners on the four issues identified by the Phase One Innovation Teams. In particular, priority will be given to allowing truckers to return empty containers to the terminal where they picked up the loaded container. We will continue supporting the progress to improve preparations for increased future volumes and will have continued conversations with the carrier CEOs and marine terminal operators in this regard,” said Commissioner Dye.

A later phase of Fact Finding 29 will focus on the Port of New Orleans.

U.S. Customs and Border Protection (CBP) : Automated online application for submitting electronic vessel manifest confidentiality requests

By | Customs & Trade Updates, Gemini News, Industry News, Public News, Washington Newsline | No Comments


Did you know that your ocean manifest information is available to the public? The Freedom of Information Act requires U.S. Customs and Border Protection (CBP) to make certain manifest data elements available to the public. Your manifest data can be accessed by your competitors, customers, and third party data publishers.

But, there is a way to suppress this data, and it became easier to do as of this morning. 

Importers, exporter and consignee’s can take action to have this information removed from public record. This morning U.S. Customs and Border Protection (CBP) deployed an automated online application for submitting electronic vessel manifest confidentiality requests, which removes access to your data by third parties.

This enhancement will enable importers, exporters and consignees utilizing ocean transportation to manage their own confidentiality requests electronically via an online application.

Currently, carriers, importers, exporters, or consignees may submit mail or email requests for confidential treatment of their name and address on inward and outward vessel manifests, which typically requires 60-90 days for processing. The new enhancement automates this process via an online application and it become effective almost immediately.

You can find out more information on the program and the rules for manifest confidentiality on the USCBP website here.

You can  access the online form to enter your request here .

If members need help or guidance on this, please contact the association

Duty Deferral brought to President Trump by Industry CEO’s

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Members of Gemini Shippers Group joined other industry CEO’s in signing the below letter to the President this week on duty deferral during the COVID-19 crisis.

A copy of the letter and companies that signed is included here: CEO Duty Deferral Letter to President Trump 033120 – Final


March 31, 2020
The President The White House
1600 Pennsylvania Ave., NW Washington, DC 20500

Dear President Trump,
Thank you for the unprecedented steps your Administration has taken to meet the enormous liquidity
challenges that have been created by the economic fallout of the deadly COVID 19 pandemic. These
steps have included delaying many payments, such as income tax and student loans. Until these
payments are ultimately made, these delays will give Americans access to much needed cash to help
them survive during these challenging times. In that vein, we are writing to ask for additional,
urgent help this week.

We are urgently asking you to delay the collection of duties, including those that many companies
were required to pay this past Friday, for a period of 90-180 days to give companies like ours
access to cash that would normally be paid to the U.S. government.

Delaying duties helps us preserve cash flow – critically important during a prolonged period of
little to no revenue – allowing us to keep our businesses in operation so we can preserve U.S.
jobs. At the same time, delaying duties does not undermine the effect of tariffs on trade flows
because the money is still due.

Mr. President, only you can take this swift action, but in doing so, you would provide immediate
relief to both large and small businesses, including manufacturers, retailers and other service
providers, farmers and ranchers.


GUIDANCE: One Year Extension on Certain China Section 301 Exclusions for Products Covered Under Tranche 1 – $34B –Action (9903.88.06)

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Cargo Systems Messaging Service

CSMS #42180527-GUIDANCE: One Year Extension on Certain China Section 301 Exclusions for Products Covered Under Tranche 1 – $34B –Action (9903.88.06)

On March 19, 2020, the U.S. Trade Representative (USTR) published Federal Register (FR) Notice 85 FR 15849 to extend for 12 months certain product exclusions covered by the March 25, 2019 notice (see 84 FR 11152) for Section 301 duties on China ($34B Action – Tranche 1).

These product exclusions relate to the imposed additional duties on Chinese goods with an annual trade value of approximately $34 billion. These exclusions apply retroactive to the July 6, 2018 effective date of the $34 billion action, and will extend to March 25, 2021.

The scope of each exclusion is governed by the scope of the HTSUS 10-digit classification and product descriptions in the Annex to 85 FR 15849, and not by the product descriptions set out in any particular request for exclusion. A link to the Federal Register Notice is embedded in this message.

The functionality for the acceptance of certain product exclusions extended for 12-months on articles from China covered under Tranche 1 – $34B Action of Section 301 duties will be available in the Automated Commercial Environment (ACE) by 7am, Eastern Standard Time on March 26, 2020.

Instructions for the trade on submitting entries to CBP containing certain product exclusions that have been extended are set out below:

• In addition to reporting the regular Chapters 84, 85, 86, and 90 classifications of the HTSUS for the imported merchandise, importers shall report the HTSUS classification 9903.88.06 (Articles, the product of China, as provided for in U.S. note 20(i) to this subchapter, each covered by an exclusion granted by the USTR for imported merchandise subject to the exclusion).
• Importers shall not submit the corresponding Chapter 99 HTS number for the Section 301 duties when HTS 9903.88.06 is submitted.

Product Exclusions granted a 12-month extension under HTS 9903.88.06:

• 8412.21.0045, 8607.21.1000, 8413.81.0040, 8421.21.0000, 8421.22.0000, 8421.99.0040, 8431.49.9095, 8471.70.6000, 8501.10.4020 and 9027.90.5650

Imports which have been granted a product exclusion from the Section 301 measures, and which are not subject to the Section 301 duties, are not covered by the Foreign Trade Zone (FTZ) provisions of the Section 301 Federal Register notices, but instead are subject to the FTZ provisions in 19 CFR part 146.

Duty exclusions granted by the USTR are retroactive for imports on or after the initial July 6, 2018 effective date of the Tranche 1, $34B Action, of the China Section 301 trade remedies. To request a refund of Section 301 duties paid on previous imports of products granted duty exclusions by the USTR, importers may file a Post Summary Correction (PSC) if within the PSC filing timeframe. If the entry is beyond the PSC filing timeframe, but within 180 days of the liquidation action, importers may protest the liquidation.

Reminder: The trade should be referred to CSMS 39587858 for instructions on the entry summary order of reporting for multiple HTSUS when HTSUS Chapter 98 or 99 are required.

For ease of reference, a summary of Section 301 duties and product exclusion notifications is provided as an attachment.

Questions from the importing community concerning ACE entry rejections involving product exclusions should be referred to their CBP Client Representative. Questions related to Section 301 entry-filing requirements, please refer to CSMS message #40969690 (Information on Trade Remedy Questions and Resources)

Section 301 Tranche 3 – $200B Eleventh Round of Product Exclusions from China

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CSMS #42181055 – GUIDANCE: Section 301 Tranche 3 – $200B Eleventh Round of Product Exclusions from China

On March 26, 2020, the U.S. Trade Representative (USTR) published Federal Register (FR) Notice 85 FR 17158 announcing the decision to grant the eleventh round of certain exclusion requests from the Section 301 duty related to goods from China ($200B Action – Tranche 3).

These product exclusions relate to the imposed additional duties announced in 83 FR 47974 on Chinese goods with an annual trade value of approximately $200 billion. The product exclusions announced in this notice retroactively apply as of the September 24, 2018 effective date of the $200 billion action (Tranche 3), and will extend through August 7, 2020.

The exclusions are available for any product that meets the description as set out in the Annex to 85 FR 17158, (see attachment), regardless of whether the importer filed an exclusion request. Further, the scope of each exclusion is governed by the scope of the Harmonized Tariff Schedule of the United States (HTSUS) 10-digit headings and product descriptions in the Annex; not by the product descriptions set out in any particular request for exclusion. For ease of reference, a link to the entire Federal Register Notice is embedded in this message.

The functionality for the acceptance of the eleventh round of products of China excluded from Section 301 duties will be available in the Automated Commercial Environment (ACE) as of 7am eastern standard time, March 31, 2020.

Instructions for importers, brokers and filers on submitting entries to CBP containing products granted exclusions by the USTR from the Section 301 measures as set out in 85 FR 17158 are set out below.

  • In addition to reporting the regular Chapters 03, 05, 12, 16, 28, 29, 38, 39, 40, 42, 48, 51, 55, 59, 60, 68, 69, 70, 73, 74, 76, 79, 82, 83, 84, 85, 87, 90, and 94 classifications of the HTSUS for the imported merchandise, importers shall report the HTSUS classification 9903.88.43 (Articles, the product of China, as provided for in U.S. note 20(vv) to this subchapter, each covered by an exclusion granted by the USTR for imported merchandise subject to the exclusion).
    • Importers shall not submit the corresponding Chapter 99 HTS number for the Section 301 duties when HTS 9903.88.43 is submitted.

Imports which have been granted a product exclusion from the Section 301 measures, and which are not subject to the Section 301 duties, are not covered by the Foreign Trade Zone (FTZ) provisions of the Section 301 Federal Register notices, but instead are subject to the FTZ provisions in 19 CFR part 146.

Duty exclusions granted by the USTR are retroactive for imports on or after the initial effective date of September 24, 2018. To request a refund of Section 301 duties paid on previous imports of products granted duty exclusions by the USTR, importers may file a Post Summary Correction (PSC) if within the PSC filing timeframe. If the entry is beyond the PSC filing timeframe, importers may protest the liquidation if within the protest filing timeframe.

Reminder: When importers, brokers, and/or filers are submitting an entry summary in which a heading or subheading in Chapter 99 is claimed on imported merchandise, refer them to CSMS 39587858 (Entry Summary Order of Reporting for Multiple HTS when 98 or 99 HTS are required).

For ease of reference, a summary of Section 301 duties and product exclusion notifications as well as the Annex to 85 FR 17158 are attached.

For more information related to the eleventh round of products of China excluded from Section 301 duties, please refer to 85 FR 17158, issued March 26, 2020.

Questions from the importing community concerning ACE entry rejections involving product exclusions should be referred to their CBP Client Representative. Questions related to Section 301 entry-filing requirements, please refer to CSMS message #40969690 (Information on Trade Remedy Questions and Resources)

Urgent News Regarding Gemini Shippers Group Annual Members Meeting

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Urgent News Regarding Gemini Shippers Group Annual Members Meeting

Good Morning Members,

Due to growing concerns about COVID-19 and out of an abundance of caution,we have made the difficult decision to cancel the upcoming Gemini Shippers Group annual member meeting on June 16th in New York.
This was a not an easy decision to make but it is most important to prioritize the health and safety of our members, team and guest speakers. Please ensure you cancel any hotel and travel arrangements made .

But, just because we cannot meet in person, does not mean we can’t share some of the great information we had planned for June.  We will replace our meeting with a series of virtual webinars covering many of the topics we had planned. We are working with our great list of speakers now to arrange dates and we will we will have more details over the next several weeks on how to sign up for the events.

Great supply chains need to be nimble and adaptive, and our association is ready to rise to the occasion. We will have a great series of events for you to participate in.  In the mean time we will continue to post all of our COVID-19 updates on the member site.  Our team is here to help in any way we can during this difficult time, if you think we might be able to help in any way, we are just an email or phone call away.